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Wohler makes the Evertz Quartz Protocol available for their iAM-SUM audio monitors & iVAM-SUM AV monitors

Quartzlabels Wohler Technologies, Inc
SAN FRANCISCO - PrZen -- Wohler Technologies is pleased to announce the release of the Evertz Quartz protocol, available as a free download for their 8,16 & 32 channel iAM-SUM  audio monitors and their 8 & 16 channel iVAM-SUM AV monitors.

This new release enables automated label transfers between compatible Evertz routers and iAM and iVAM-SUM monitors using the Quartz protocol. This feature upgrade brings the SUM units onto an equal footing with the recently retired MIX units that incorporated automated audio channel labels.

"While parts shortages forced us to go end of life on the MIX units and replace them with the SUM series, we are pleased to complete the transition for interested customers by bringing automated labels into the SUM series as well," says Kim Templeman-Holmes, VP of Sales & Marketing.

About Wohler Technologies Inc.
Wohler Technologies started out more than 30 years ago with the creation of the industry's first in-rack audio monitoring product. Together, Wohler's cost-effective solutions ensure reliable signal monitoring and correction in IP and baseband formats.

Based in Hayward, California, Wohler counts many of the world's finest broadcast, motion picture, and production facilities among its customers. More information about Wohler is available at www.wohler.com.

Wohler Technologies, Inc.
+1 510-870-0810

Source: Wohler Technologies, Inc.
Filed Under: Business, Government, Media

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