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Local Realtor® Achieves National Recognition

Simple Real Estate Ventures
New Achievement helps to provide a higher level of service to clients buying real estate. This additional comprehensive course in buyer representation is a valuable way for clients to determine whether they are receiving the best representation.

SAN ANTONIO - PrZen -- San Antonio, Texas, - George Sanchez, Broker/Owner with Simple Real Estate Ventures, has been awarded the Accredited Buyer's Representation (ABR©) designation by the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council (REBAC) of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS© (NAR).

George Sanchez joins more than 27,000 real estate professionals in North America who have earned the ABR designation. All were required to successfully complete a comprehensive course in buyer representation and an elective course focusing on a buyer representation specialty, both in addition to submitting documentation verifying professional experience.

REBAC, founded in 1988, is the world's largest association of real estate professionals focused specifically on representing the real estate buyer. There are more than 40,000 active members of the organization worldwide. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS©, "The Voice for Real Estate," is the world's largest professional association, representing over 1.4 million members involved in all aspects of the real estate industry.

You may contact George Sanchez at https://simplerealestatesa.com/, or direct at simplerealestatesa@gmail.com, and the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council by telephone, (800) 648-6224, by email, [rebac@nar.realtor], or by visiting the REBAC website, [www.REBAC.net].

Simple Real Estate Ventures

Source: Simple Real Estate Ventures
Filed Under: Real Estate

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