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Arizona Technology Council Wins First Place in Public Policy Advocacy in 2021 Technology Councils of North America Innovation Awards

Arizona Technology Council
The Council Was Also Named a Finalist in the Creative Marketing & Communications Category

PHOENIX - PrZen -- The Arizona Technology Council today announced it was named a winner in the Public Policy Advocacy category and a finalist in the Creative Marketing & Communications category in the 2021 Technology Councils of North America (TECNA) Innovation Awards. TECNA, which represents approximately 60 technology associations across the United States and Canada, hosts the awards each year to recognize and honor technology council staff and teams who are integral to developing and implementing innovative and impactful work on behalf of a tech association.

"I'm grateful to our dedicated staff, board members and community partners for their collective work which led to these awards," said Steven G. Zylstra, the Council's president and CEO. "From the U.S. Congress and the Office of the Governor to legislative committee rooms and city halls across Arizona, the Council serves as the voice calling for a technology-based, pro-growth, business-focused agenda. Despite the distance created by the pandemic, we worked hard throughout the year to ensure all of our stakeholders were informed."

The Council accomplished a great deal to receive acknowledgement in the following categories:

Public Policy Advocacy
  • Lobbied successfully for a 10-year extension of the Angel Investment Tax Credit
  • Lobbied successfully for the Arizona Corporation Commission's new rules that require Arizona's utilities to provide at least 50% renewable energy by 2035 and 100% carbon-free energy by 2070
  • Worked with The Western Way to advocate for clean-energy policies as Arizona plans for economic recovery and published a report on the topic
  • Produced the Council's 2020 VoteTech Smart Guide and 2021 Public Policy Guide
  • Continued to manage and promote the Arizona Technology Council Political Action Committee including the creation of a new web presence
Creative Marketing & Communications
  • Launched AZTechBase.com (https://www.aztechbase.com/aztech/about/) — an online platform that provides a comprehensive listing of companies, people and investors in Arizona's technology industry — in partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority
  • Secured publication of 82 original stories in media outlets across Arizona
  • Wrote TechFlash and My View opinion editorials published in the Phoenix Business Journal
  • Published TechConnect magazine (https://www.aztechcouncil.org/techconnect/) in partnership with Arizona Commerce Authority
  • Produced AZTechCast (https://www.aztechcouncil.org/techcast/), the monthly podcast of the Council, in partnership with Phoenix Business RadioX
  • Developed the TechFocus Member Spotlight Podcast (https://www.aztechcouncil.org/techfocus/) in partnership with Tucson-based Michael Beach Coaching & Consulting
  • Implemented innovative new virtual events: Tech Speaker Series and Tech Breakfast Series
  • Refreshed the Council's website
  • Distributed TechTalk, the Council's monthly membership newsletter
  • Produced the Council's Annual Report and 2021 Public Policy Guide
For more information on the Council and its contributions to the state's technology industry, please visit www.aztechcouncil.org.

About the Arizona Technology Council

The Arizona Technology Council is Arizona's premier trade association for science and technology companies. Recognized as having a diverse professional business community, Council members work towards furthering the advancement of technology in Arizona through leadership, education, legislation and social action. The Council offers numerous events, educational forums and business conferences that bring together leaders, visionaries and community members to make an impact on the technology industry. These interactions contribute to the Council's culture of growing member businesses and transforming technology in Arizona. To become a member or to learn more about the Arizona Technology Council, please visit www.aztechcouncil.org.

Alec Robertson

Source: Arizona Technology Council
Filed Under: Technology, Government

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